The number of Lithuanian companies in the Baltics has increased to 32.
The number of Lithuanian companies in the latest TOP-50 ranking of the largest companies in the Baltics has increased to 32 (compared to 30 last year), while the number of Estonian companies has remained unchanged at 10 and the number of Latvian companies has decreased from 10 to 8. This is according to the international risk management company Coface, which has analysed companies with a turnover of more than EUR 300 million last year.
The Coface Baltic TOP-50 ranking includes the largest companies in the region based on their turnover in calendar year 2020. The survey covers Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The ranking includes the largest Baltic companies with a turnover of at least EUR 300 million. Financial service providers such as banks, insurance companies, leasing companies and brokers are excluded. "Coface's ranking is based on revenues and other key business indicators such as net profit and number of employees. Companies that were invited but refused to provide information were not included in the final ranking.