Commercial risk management for multinationals

Globaliner: Protecting global companies and their subsidiaries against international business risks

Coface Global Solutions: we support global companies with custom-built risk management solutions backed up by dedicated experts

Do you want to protect your balance sheet? Scale up the global reliability and consistency of your credit risk system? Or simply build better performance? With Coface Global Solutions' credit insurance, your company benefits from a global range of services with local flexibility. Our offer is tailored to your specific requirements worldwide - and that includes your subsidiaries.

  • Prevention

    Coface continually assesses the financial situation of your customers and notifies you in real time about any developments. You have strategic information in your hands so you can negotiate suitable credit terms, select the right business partners and anticipate the risk of unpaid invoices in your account receivables.

  • Collection

    Our international network of experts guarantee that your receivables will be collected quickly and efficiently. This means you save time to grow your business while retaining the confidence of your customers.

  • Indemnification

    If your guaranteed debts are not recovered, we compensate you for up to 90% of the loss – so you protect your cash flow and secure your margins.

GlobaLiner: the global credit insurance solution for multinational companies

Coface Global Solutions has developed a series of policies and services to deliver the optimal solution for all your needs.

Key benefits:

  • A global framework with local flexibility
  • Protects your trade receivables against late payment and insolvency
  • Provides access to information on 200 million companies in 195 countries
  • An international debt collection service
  • Safeguards your company's margins and releases new liquidities
  • Gives possible access to new sources of financing
  • Streamlines the credit management function in your organisation.

Why choose Coface Global Solutions?

  • Experienced local teams.
  • The solidity of a reliable group, rated A1 by Moody's, AA- by Fitch and A (excellent) by AM Best.
  • A tried and tested risk management model.
  • Information on companies worldwide.
  • A global programme tailored to your local needs.

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A clear contractual framework to optimise the management of credit risks

With GlobaLiner, you and your subsidiaries can negotiate, design and manage the terms of your programme centrally with local implementation for the benefit of your teams worldwide.

  • Transparency and standardisation

    Thanks to our transparent terms and conditions and clear policies, your insurance programme is rolled out efficiently to your local users.

  • Governance

    Your GlobaLiner programme complies with all the laws and regulations applicable to your subsidiaries. You are in total control of the vital local adaptations.

  • User-friendly

    Coface's pre-referencing of a large range of clauses makes it easy for us to develop and deploy a programme that dovetails perfectly with your requirements.

Coface Global Solutions: a team of experts specialising in global credit insurance

Coface Global Solutions combines teams of underwriters, account and sales managers - all experts in their field - to deliver the best possible service to major international clients across the world.

220 people work to promote the commercial development of global companies with bespoke risk management solutions.

We help you design the policies and services requested by your subsidiaries. If necessary, we put together a master agreement and dedicated mechanisms to ensure they are consistent. Our approach is centralised and multi-country.

As well as designing the best solutions for you, we handle the implementation in all countries from start to finish.

Cutting-edge digital tools for managing risk

Credit management platform

Our secure online platform means it’s easy to manage your policy from A to Z. 


With CofaNet Essentials, you: access information about your business partner, manage your client portfolio, manage your guarantee requests, report your unpaid debts, keep track of your claims.


CofaNet also performs debtor risk evaluations and offers export features with the potential for more in-depth research.


And with the CofaMove mobile app, you can access CofaNet Essentials wherever you are and whenever you want.

Coface API portal

Discover a game-changing asset for more efficient credit management.


Coface API portal opens doors to seamless integration of Coface's powerful API solutions into your existing applications. 


Elevate risk management, enhance credit decisions, and fortify financial strategies effortlessly. 
Maximize efficiency, minimize risk: Coface API Portal is your strategic ally for a robust, data-driven approach to credit management. 

Revolutionize your processes today for a more secure and prosperous financial future.


> Visit Coface API Portal

How Coface uses advanced Data Science to help businesses

Artificial intelligence, massive data analysis, Machine Learning, predictive analytics and modeling, Deep Learning and Image Processing… Coface uses a whole set of advanced Data Science technologies to design new solutions for its clients.


Schneider Electric

We work with Coface to secure credit risk with our clients in various geographies. Its global organisation combined with its extensive local presence fits well with the model we are looking for. In particular, we can access local risk underwriters and benefit from their assessments in underwriting decisions. The alignment between the local teams and those at Group level is fluid and facilitates rapid decision-making.


Customer default is a major risk. Coface credit insurance protects our turnover.


The results are clear-cut: since 2008, Diagast has not had any unpaid invoices on the events covered.

Frequently Asked Questions