About Coface Baltics

Coface Baltics is the Baltic office of Coface, a global leader in trade credit insurance, providing financial risk management solutions to companies.

Coface entered the Baltic trade credit insurance market in 2005 with the acquisition of the state-owned company UADB Lietuvos Export ir importo draudimas in Lithuania.

Since 2018, Coface has been successfully serving clients in all Baltic countries through the Coface Baltics branch in Lithuania.

Our aim is to provide our customers with relevant and timely information about their business partners, thus reducing the risks associated with non-payment for goods or services sold with provision.

Why choose Coface Baltics?

  • More than 15 years of experience in the Baltic States
  • International expertise
  • Local customer service
  • Experienced and professional risk assessment team

A leader in Trade Credit Insurance

  • Our core business for over 75 years
  • Protect your trade receivables against the risk of non-payment by one of your business strategy
  • Use a decision-support tool to drive your business strategy
  • Coface indemnifies you in the event of non-payment and initiates the collection process
  • Cover your commercial and political risks for complex and one-off transactions for a minimum of €5M, with our Single Risk solution

Business information: Unique data to take better decisions

  • Information collected in 195 countries and from 190 million businesses
  • Micro-economic, macro-economic and sector data constantly updated and expanded
  • Access these risk analyses, and secure your supply or distribution chains
  • Assess the strength of your commercial partners using the Coface score, and direct your business strategy accordingly

Debt Collection: Limit your losses with our solution

Coface International Debt Collection specialises in effective and efficient, stress-free debt recovery:

  • Coface provides a fast and efficient debt collection service whether you are insured or not.
  • Benefit from the assistance of experts dedicated to collection and indemnification from our network of international partners.

Access all Coface's economic intelligence

Coface also boasts proven expertise in the field of economic research, undertaking micro and macro-economic studies as well as risk analyses by country, sector and company, etc.

A number of publications are available to help you assess your risks more effectively and take the right decisions at the right time.

See our economic publications

Our team, Coface Baltics

Coface Baltics is Coface's unit, which is part of the Central and Eastern Europe region and serves clients in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We are a team of experienced, energetic and competent experts in our field who develop long-term, effective partnerships based on mutual trust. We care about you and your business!

  • Mindaugas Sventickas

    Country Manager Coface Baltics

  • Eglė Vaškelienė

    Business Development Manager Coface Baltics

  • Mindaugas Puodžiukas

    Head of Information, Claims & Debt Collection Department Coface Baltics Head of Anti-fraud Department Coface CEE

  • Mindaugas Valskys

    Head of Risk Underwriting Department Coface Baltics

  • Tomas Černius

    Head of Finance Management Department Coface Baltics

  • Artūras Potelis

    Head of Sales Coface Baltics (business information)

  • Šarūnas Šlimas

    Head of Commerce Department Coface Baltics

  • Aušra Namikaitė

    Senior Project Manager (insurance)

    M. +37061087954, ausra.namikaite@coface.com

  • Anneli Liinat

    Senior Project Manager (insurance EE)

    M. +3725121581, anneli.liinat@coface.com

Our history

  • 1946

    The Compagnie française d’assurance pour le commerce extérieur (Coface) is founded by the French government, which instructs Coface to insure its political, monetary and exceptional trade risks.

  • 1989

    Coface Central Europe Holding AG is established (information and debt collection services).

  • 1992

    Coface starts to take on an international dimension: Italy (1992), United Kingdom (1994), Germany (1996), Austria (1997), United States (2002)… and in 100 countries worldwide today!

  • 2005

    Coface enters the Baltic trade credit insurance market in Lithuania with the acquisition of the state-owned company UADB Lietuvos eksporto ir importo draudimas.

  • 2008

    Expansion to Latvia (Estonia) and Bulgaria (credit insurance)

  • 2014

    Branches in 67 countries around the world, providing insurance cover for businesses in 200 countries.

  • 2018

    Coface Baltics establishes an office in Lithuania to serve clients in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

  • 2023

    Coface augments its databases with the acquisition of Rel8ed, a company specialising in data analysis in North America, and consolidates its analytical capabilities on behalf of our credit insurance and business information clients.

  • 2024

    Launch of our Power the Core 2024-2027 strategic plan, which aims to expand and strengthen Coface's franchises, with the ambition of developing a benchmark global credit risk management ecosystem.