All-inclusive online credit insurance for small businesses: EasyLiner

Protect your small business from unpaid invoices with a clear, all-inclusive, flat-rate policy

Protect your most crucial asset

With EasyLiner SME credit insurance for small businesses you can avoid late payments and unpaid debts. Safeguard your accounts receivables. Focus on growing your business.

  • 25% of small business failures are the result of unpaid debts

    Two out of three companies pay their sub-contractors or suppliers late. This is the root cause of nearly a quarter of all bankruptcies of very small businesses.

  • 40% of the assets of small businesses are customer loans

    Late payments and unpaid invoices represent almost 40% of small business assets. Accounts receivables are a significant burden, which strengthens the case for managing your credit risk properly.

  • 80% of small businesses are facing unpaid debts

    Small businesses are confronted with bad debtors on a regular basis, and have to work extremely hard to ensure their debts are settled.

A simple, all-inclusive policy

EasyLiner credit insurance for very small businesses: designed for and dedicated to companies with a turnover under € 3 million.

Are you the director or financial manager of a very small business whose daily life is hectic? Make your life easier with EasyLiner:

  • 100% online management
  • All-inclusive annual package 
  • Rates 0,1-1% from turnover.

With EasyLiner you control your budget and protect your business - with no nasty surprises!

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EasyLiner: easy to manage on a day-to-day basis

Managing your policy is quick and easy on our online platform: 

  • Monitor and track the solvency of your clients: 
    Get our experts' opinion and guarantee about your customers online. If their situation deteriorates, the team at Coface will get in touch with you.
  • Online insurance claim: 
    Do you have unpaid debts? Once you report your claim, we launch the collection process immediately, whether it’s domestically or on the other side of the world.
  • Indemnification: 
    If the collection is not successful after a time-frame agreed in the policy, we will pay you a compensatory indemnity.

Insure your unpaid debts effortlessly

EasyLiner: simplified SME credit insurance that protects your small business against unpaid invoices domestically and abroad. Find out more about our offer that guarantees the efficient management of the credit you grant to your customers.

  • Cover your invoices

    Check our opinion on your clients and prospects online. Obtain guarantees in a few clicks to cover your sales. Coface’s opinions are based on our worldwide network of risk experts with their local knowledge about your prospects or customers. They analyse the relevant financial data on companies, sectors and country risks on an ongoing basis so we can alert you to potential risks.

  • Collect your receivables

    Report unpaid guaranteed invoices online. Manage the collection of your receivables domestically and across the globe. Optimise your collection rates and maintain your trade relations backed up by our capable teams!

  • Indemnify your losses

    Protect your cash flow. Preserve your margins. Does the collection process take too long or fails to bring results? No problem! Coface indemnifies the loss by up to 90% of the invoice.

Grow your business in complete confidence

Manage your commercial development worry-free: take advantage of our credit opinions and real-time monitoring of your clients’ and prospects’ solvency. 

EasyLiner helps give you an even greater competitive edge since it fine-tunes the credit conditions granted to your customers.

Are you looking for new markets? EasyLiner protects your turnover while you explore business opportunities domestically and / or abroad.

Become a good customer for your bank

Guarantee your invoices with EasyLiner and boost your trustworthiness with your financial partners.

Think about it: opting for a SME credit insurance policy that improves your terms for borrowing and helps you access overdraft facilities.

With EasyLiner you can set up a delegation of guarantee free of charge and transfer payment of the indemnities of your policy directly to your bank or factor.

See also

Frequently asked questions